Teen Drowned in Apartment Complex Pool
June 10, 2013
A 13-year-old who drowned Thursday night has been identified by the Clark County Coroner as Mikael Jose Luis Medrano. He was found unresponsive in an apartment pool complex in Las Vegas around 11 p.m. He died two days later. The coroner has determined the death to be accidental.
Statistics compiled by the Southern Nevada Health District between 2012 and May 22, 2013 shows that seven children have drowned and another 57 children have nearly drowned in Clark County during this time period.
All of those victims were under the age of 14, and 72 percent of the children who experienced a submersion incident were under 4 years of age. Five of the drowning victims were also under 4 years of age.
The Health District said 32 percent of the incidents occurred in public pools and 68 percent occurred in residential pools.
Fire and rescue officials are urging people not to let their guard down in and around the water, and they advise the public to practice the A, B, C and D’s of drowning prevention – Adult supervision, multiple Barriers, CPR and swimming Classes and wearing Coast Guard-approved personal flotation Devices.